Writing a Supreme Response Essay
College and university teachers constantly invent new types of academic tasks to make the lives of students more challenging. Nevertheless, it is due to the growing variety of academic papers that students greatly improve their writing skills. A response essay is a unique academic task in the sense that it is based on the analysis of some item, such as movie, book, article, etc. If your professor asks you to write a summary and response essay, be ready to study your source in detail and provide your opinion about it. In most cases, you will not need any special skills or knowledge to produce a supreme personal essay. Still, you must follow the requirements provided by your teacher. Also, do not ignore the basic structural requirements. Use academic tone and language in your writing. Include your critical opinion about the thing you are describing in your essay. Write from the first-person perspective, but do not sound too biased or subjective.
The key element of the response paper is your opinion. Follow the required response essay format, which should include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Consider the examples of research essays that are available online. You can find tons of relevant and helpful information on how to write a personal paper. You will see that most response papers include a summary of the source and the author’s viewpoint or opinion about it. Use your experiences or feelings, as you are describing the article, movie, book, or event of your choice. Try to see if the object or item of your choice has any strengths or weaknesses. You do not have to justify your choice. It is your personal opinion, and you have the right to be open with your audience.
Steps for Producing a Truly Outstanding Personal Response Essay
- Сhoose the most suitable topic. Make sure it is interesting to you.
- Explore the subject in detail. Watch the movie. Read the book. Review the article. Attend the event of your choice. When you have plenty of information about your subject, try to evaluate it critically. Develop your opinion about it. Your response essay should be based on a thorough analysis of the thing you want to describe in your work. So, do not hesitate to make some notes and use them, as you are working on your paper. However, the fact that you can use your opinion does not mean that you can be disorganized.
- You must structure your critical response essay logically. It must be systematic and organized.
- Check the grammar, spelling, and style of your paper before you send it to your professor.
- Avoid plagiarism. If you use outside sources, cite and reference them properly. At the same time, feel free to express your thoughts about the subject. Invite your readers to discuss the topic in detail.
- Apply to readers’ emotions and feelings.
- Include some concluding statements to make your personal essay complete.
- Do not miss the deadline for your response essay.
Helpful Phrases to Use in Response Essays
Your response essay may cover one or many aspects of the subject. If you can choose the topic, pick up a very interesting book, movie, artwork or article. Some phrases that can be useful for any critical response essay writer are:
- The author wants to analyze…;
- The reader can observe…;
- I found the fact that… interesting;
- I like this author`s idea because…;
- This book is worth analyzing because…
To conclude, feel free to put your personality in your essay and your instructor will evaluate it with the highest grades.
Response Essay Example
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