December 10, 2020 in Analysis

The Trucial States


The Trucial States was a name for the Arab tribal region that was located in the Persian Gulf. It was ruled by the British administration. One should mention that the Trucial States had become the United Arab Emirates only in 1971. It means that that Arab region was the colony of the British Empire. The Trucial States consisted of Bahrain, Fujairah, Ajman, Umm al-Qaiwain, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi. It is evident that the Trucial States were semi-independent as Great Britain was responsible for foreign politics and military defense. One should mention that there was written not too much about the Trucial States. Consequently, this paper intends to study what had been written about the Trucial States from 1800 to 1971.

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What Had Been Written about the Trucial States in 1800 to 1971

Analyzing the Trucial States, one should address the archives that contain the information, letters, and memoirs from 1800 to 1971. It is evident that these sources are not numerous, but they are very important for understanding the historical background and development of the Trucial States into the United Arab Emirates. First, one should address Military Report and Route Book written in 1939 and depicting the peculiarities of the Arabian States and the Persian Gulf. This report includes the geographical information. Moreover, the strength of this report is that it reveals the administration of the Trucial States. This report is accompanied by copies of Treaties between the British Empire and the Trucial States. It is written in English as well as in Arabic. It means that both countries suppose it valuable for studying and knowing their histories.

Another article that is relevant to study more about the Trucial States is The Dubai Incident, 1910: A Gun Battle that Damaged British Relations with the Trucial Coast written by Martin Woodward. First, this article shows the tense relationships between the Arab region and Great Britain. Second, it reveals the consequences of the battle between them. Third, this article depicts the Arab protests and press response to British aggression. Moreover, the author gives the extract of a telegram sent by the Political Resident to Muscat Agent. This article is valuable because it reveals such points as naval patrols, buried rifles, and fire fight between Great Britain and the Trucial States. Moreover, it gives a picture that clearly demonstrates the Dubai incident.

Another article that describes the Trucial States is The 1930s: The Gulf as a highway between East and West by Martin Woodward. This article gives the information about the advantages of the Trucial States that attracted Britain (oil, being a highway between east and west). Martin Woodward states that 1930 was the year of transformation of the Trucial States. They key areas of the Trucial States that were changed were domestic power relations, oil, and air travel. The author uses the picture demonstrating British counterpropaganda. It means that the Britain Empire was a pressure to the interests of the Trucial States.

One should also address the record made in 1925 Saudi Arabian Currency. This record contains the telegram and other information related to currency circulation. The key value of this record is that it reveals the relationships between the Trucial States and Britain. Moreover, to have a real picture of the history of the Trucial States one should look through the existing treaties between the Trucial States and Britain. One recommends addressing the record Existing Treaties between the British Government and the Trucial Chiefs created in 1906. This record reveals all treaties related to the Persian Gulf, protection, peaceful relationships, and mutual agreement between the Trucial States and Britain.

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The Article for the Local Newspaper 

One should say that there is enough information related to the relationships between the Trucial States and Britain. However, this information is hidden in archives, and readers do not know a lot about it. Consequently, one recommends the following article to the local newspaper: The Emergence of Qatar: Pellys Role in Britains 1868 Recognition of the State written by Karen Stapley. She is an archival specialist at British Library. This article is important as it reveals the following key points: competing claims over the territory, the declarations and treaties signed by the Trucial States and Britain, diplomacy, and the guarantee that Britain will not interfere.

This article is informative. First, it relies upon the materials from the archive. These are the declarations made by Muhammad bin Thani to Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis Pelly including the maritime peace treaty and statement recording Muhammad bin Thanis about not the interference of the British government. The information of this article is reliable as it is based on the primary sources from British Library. Moreover, the author uses many chronological dates that give a real picture of the past relationships between the Trucial States and Britain.

The Emergence of Qatar: Pellys Role in Britains 1868 Recognition of the State written by Karen Stapley is accurate as it is based on the records from archives. However, the weakness of this article is that it does not include the treaties that establish the relationships between Britain and Trucial States. The author writes about the recognition of the Trucial States. However, she should mention the first Treaty against piracy in 1820, Treaty of Perpetual Maritime Peace in 1853, and Exclusivity agreement in 1892.

This article is more than facts. It analyzes, gives the evidence, and determines the key points in the history of relationships between the Trucial States and Britain. Moreover, the author combines the several topics in her article. These are the British Empire in the Gulf, Qatar, and history of 1850-1899. The author uses memorandum, letters between the officials of Great Britain and the Trucial States. Such primary sources make this article full of facts and information necessary for understanding the conflict between the British Empire and the Trucial States. The value of this article refers to the conclusion of the author who depicts the consequences of the relationships between the British Empire and the Trucial States. Stapley underlines as the senior British officials in the area tried to redeem the situation by making a series of punitive demands on the Ruler of Dubai, tensions only increased. It means that the conflicts and tension between the British Empire and the Trucial States were preconditioned by British colonial and geopolitical interests.

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In conclusion, one should saythat archive materials and articles by historians and archivists are valuable for studying the history of the Trucial States and its relationships with the British Empire. The analyzed information shows that the key events of the Trucial States refer to the desire to obtain their independence and freedom from colonization. Not without reason, the article by Karen Stapley occupies a leading place in the article. First, it is based on the primary sources. Secondly, it pays attention to the relationships between the British Empire and the Trucial States. One should say that geopolitical interest and colonial desire of the British Empire were the basis for the development of the relationships between the Trucial States and Britain. Consequently, one recommends looking for more primary sources explaining the conflict between both countries.

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